HackerRank: Designer Door Mat Notes


I think the "Designer Door Mat" is suitable for serving as a practice for your understanding of the Python center() method.


The problem gives you two number N and M where N is an odd natural number and M=3N. You should print out a graph like this:

    Size: 7 x 21 
    Size: 11 x 33

The "WELCOME" should be written in the center, and the design pattern should only contain | , . and - characters.


  • \( 5 < N < 101 \)
  • \( 15 < M < 303 \)


The key thing to notice here is that only the ".|." pattern is repeating. Also, as I mentioned in this article, the general pattern for the number of ".|." in each line is 1, 3, 5, 7...

My solution is printing from the first line to the middle first. While printing, I also store the lines containing ".|." into a list as a stack and then print out the lower part using the stack.

# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT

n,m = map(int,input().split())

mid = int((n+1)/2)
bottom = []
for i in range(mid-1):
        result = (".|."*(2*i+1)).center(m,"-")


My solution should be a bit faster than the one given in the Editorial section.

I hope this article helps!


  1. HackerRank: Designer Door Mat 讲解 (My Chinese Blog)