HackerRank: Designer Door Mat Notes Paid Members Public
Background I think the "Designer Door Mat [https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/designer-door-mat/problem]" is suitable for serving as a practice f [https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/text-alignment/problem]or your understanding of the Python center() method. Problem The problem gives you two number N and M where
Python: raw_input(), input(), strip() and split() Explanations Paid Members Public
Background This article was written down when I was doing the HackerRank Python challenge: Find a string. I think it would help explain the difference between raw_input() and input() for others. You will see raw_input() a lot in the HackerRank Editorial section since the solution was written with
Python format(): Learn the Syntax Step by Step Paid Members Public
The Chinese version of this article: Python format() 语法详解 [https://ran-blog.com/2021/09/28/python-format-%e8%af%ad%e6%b3%95%e8%af%a6%e8%a7%a3/] Basic Usage print("Hello I am {} and he is {}!".format('Tom','Jerry')) # Output:Hello I am
HackerRank: Text Alignment Notes Paid Members Public
Background This article is about a Python challenge on HackerRank: Text Alignment [https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/text-alignment/problem]. We can definitely keep trying until we get the correct answer for this one. But I think that is kind of boring, and I really want to understand the thoughts behind
Python + VS Code Installation and Setup Guide (Windows) — 2 Paid Members Public
Last Article: Python + VS Code Installation and Setup Guide (Windows) — 1 [https://ranblog.medium.com/python-vs-code-installation-and-setup-guide-windows-1-254236bda39a] Notes before Start: These 2 articles are about installing and setting up Python and Visual Studio Code on Windows. * By the end of the last article, you should be able to run simple python
Python + VS Code Installation and Setup Guide (Windows) — 1 Paid Members Public
Next Article: Python + VS Code Installation and Setup Guide (Windows) — 2 [https://www.ranblog.com/blog/python-vs-code-installation-and-setup-guide-windows-2/] Notes before Start: These 2 articles are about installing and setting up Python and Visual Studi Code on Windows. * By the end of this article, you will be able to run a simple